Who is behind Winter Garden Cattery?
I’m Ademi Turdieva, an animal behaviorist as well as a genetic geek. I started my Somali and Abyssinian breeding program in late 2020. I’m a new breeder, but I’ve been doing my researches, studying behaviour and genetics way before I imported my first cats. I love talking to other breeders and professionals, there’s always something new to learn and discover new ways of doing things.
When I was a child I spent my summer breaks at my grandma’s in the countryside. We had a lot of stray cats and dogs there, and at home I grew up surrounded by animals; cats, dogs, lizards, parrots, deer, mice, hamsters… I think this is how I became a big animal lover.
Shion, my little baby, our big scary wolf, and the Siberian Husky that made me fall in love with animal behavior, nutrition, training and k9 sports. She appeared during one of the darkest times in my life and saved me. If not her, Winter Garden wouldn’t exist.
Shion adores cats as much as I do. And she is “responsible” for kitten socialization in our cattery.
Cattery name
Winter Garden – a cozy place in which flowers and other plants are growing during the cold winter months. A place that flourishes even if everything outside is completely lifeless and frozen. This was the idea behind the name.
The making of the logo took much longer than expected. I couldn’t figure out what I wanted, I didn’t want anything complicated, but I wanted it to feel warm. Cats on the logo, left to right, are Adamanta the beginning of my silver line, Ceres my first own bred abyssinian to supreme, and Tamaris my first fawn.