Please contact us via email or Facebook, and include the answers for these following questions in your message:


  1. Could you please tell us a little bit about yourself and people living with you? Please include ages of everyone in the household and if anyone has pet allergies.
  2. Do you currently have any pets or do you have any previous pet experience?
  3. Where are you located and would you need help with transportation?
  4. Are you interested in an Abyssinian or a Somali kitten?
  5. Why have you chosen this breed?
  6. Do you have any colour or gender preferences? (the colour or the gender of the kitten doesn’t play a role in the personality)
  7. Are you open to adopt a retired adult cat? (generally a cat around 2-4 years old)
  8. Do you have any interest in doing cat shows? If yes, in which association?
  9. Will your cat be allowed outdoors? If yes, how would this be like?
  10. Please tell me about your understanding of declawing and your opinion about it.